Teetering along on the tightrope of life

Lindsey Watson

The Signal Staff
Lindsey Watson


Life is a balancing act for most of us.  It is like walking a tight rope a thousand feet in the air.  One misstep and you fall into a deep abyss of mayhem and madness.  Fortunately, I have a good foothold.  I have a tight network of family and friends who lend their support.

Between attending college full-time, single parenting a lovable yet demanding 4 year old, holding a challenging newspaper position, enjoying a hectic social life and trying to squeeze some “me” time in there, my days are more than chaotic.  Although my life is hectic, it works because it is organized chaos.

I keep a planner with me at all times; this book is my bible.  Everything is in there, from homework assignments to T-ball practice to the lunch with my best friend next Friday.  Without my planner, I am frazzled and, worst of all, I am lost.

My mom loves to tell me that I have taken on too much; perhaps I have, but I like to chalk it up to her being a mom.  The fact of the matter is no matter how hectic my life may be, it is my life and I love it.  It is not always easy though.  Many times tough choices must be made.

Last December I had to miss my son’s Christmas piano performance of “Up on the Housetop” at his preschool so I could make it to a final exam.  I hated to miss that performance but I had to for the betterment of myself.  My success will also be his.

On the flip side, my school work suffers at times too.  There has been more than one occasion when I haven’t done my best or I have put off an important assignment because that smile on my son’s face when he is on the monkey bars is just plain more important.

What suffers the most is the time I get for myself.  To be honest, there is not much, but that is also what makes it so sweet.  I don’t take it for granted.  That hour I may get to watch Oprah occasionally means more to me than it probably should.

The way I see it, I am in the prime of my life, I’m young enough to have fun, but I am old enough to be able to fulfill my responsiblities. I manage.  I must admit, I am probably a sight to see sitting at the library with a kid on my hip, phone on my ear and book in my hand, but somehow it all gets done.  I am constantly and precariously teetering on that tightrope.

I know I am not alone on this tightrope.  Many of us here at the University of Houston-Clear Lake are performing our own balancing act.  So, professors…when you see certain students who have not done their very best, or have academic potential they are not realizing, please remember, many of us are juggling so much more than just a paper or a research project.

Sometimes I am traveling down the road thinking ahead about 50 years.  I picture myself sitting on a porch, drinking lemonade watching the day pass by. But for now, I will continue to walk on that tightrope placing one foot slowly in front of the other.

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