Get involved at UHCL

Word for the Day:  Plethora [pleth-er-uh] –noun –an overabundance or excess

Each day when I log on to my computer, I check two things, the word for the day and the thought for the day. Then as the day wears on, I try to use the word at least once or twice in my ordinary conversations. The thought has its own place on the board for my students to use in their warm-up keyboarding exercise. It is not often that they actually come together and become useful in my writing.

So where is this leading, you ask? As the spring semester rolls to a close, here is a parting nudge for all of the students who will be returning to UHCL in the summer and fall…Take a moment to read the “plethora” of bulletin boards that line the walls at the entrance to the Bayou Building. Find something to get involved in! Of course, you will have to navigate your way though all the acronyms associated with the many student organizations on display.

Are you interested in honors or leadership groups, try APS, NSLS or BAP. Are you leaning towards business, MISO or AMA might be just what you are looking for. Perhaps you have a knack for communication, we have the CA for that. This is by no means all you will find on the colorfully decorated boards, maybe SLICE is for you or LGBT or check out RAD!

Studies have show that participation in student organizations enhance personal development and leadership skills, and let’s face it, it looks good on your resume!

So step out there and take a look around and though we may all be college students, here truly is something for everyone! This leads to the thought for the day…

Thought for the Day: Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven. -Yiddish proverb

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