Finals got you down?

Finals week is upon us at UHCL. If you are like me, this means you haven’t had a full night’s rest in a while, stress has become your middle name and your brain has nearly reached information overload. Even though finals are only a small fraction of what makes up the semester, they often end up being the most difficult part. What if there were ways you could actually make it through this dreaded week without losing your mind? Here are a few tips to making your finals week as calm and successful as possible.

– Give yourself enough time. Pulling all-nighters will not contribute to a successful exam grade. At least a week before your test, begin setting aside a designated amount of time to study.
– Consider making flashcards of the material you need to memorize. I am a huge fan of flashcards; it is a great way to quiz yourself and memorize material quickly.
– Have a quiet place to concentrate while studying. Sometimes studying at home can be incredibly distracting, for a change try taking your study session up to the UHCL library.
– Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Yes, it is important to be fully prepared for an exam, but you also need to remember that you are only taking a test, don’t freak yourself out.
– Make sure you are getting enough sleep and eating properly. Trying to study while being sleep deprived and living off chips and energy drinks is counterproductive.
– Make sure you are prepared on test day. Buy any materials required of you on test day ahead of time, rushing to the bookstore before the test will only stress you out.
– Do your best! Ok, I know that sounds pretty elementary, but it does make a good point. As long as you truly do your best you can be proud of the work you put in during the semester, and you won’t regret not having tried harder.

After all, this is only one week out of the semester and finals will be over before we know it. On behalf of The Signal staff I would like to wish everyone on campus good luck with their finals! I hope the above tips will help give you some peace of mind during this challenging week.

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