Positive Thinking Can Transform



It’s no secret that life can be stressful at times.

We have all had challenges that we thought were impossible to overcome – a feeling college students know all too well during the likes of studying for final exams, writing papers and meeting class deadlines.

The funny thing is, it’s how we go about addressing these challenges mentally that ultimately affects the balance between success and failure, not only in our college education but in the grand scheme of life as well. The simple remedy: be positive.

The difference between thinking positively and negatively about everyday situations has enormous consequences in our lives, whether we know it or not.

We have all known people who are constantly down in the dumps because they feel nothing they do makes a difference. This continuous negative attitude will only dig a deeper hole for them into a dreary pit of unachievable success.

When we dwell on negative thoughts, we conjure negative outcomes. It revolves around the “law of attraction” theory. This idea states that whatever thoughts we have in the absolute forefront of our minds will actually attract the same results from the outside world.

For example, when someone is primarily focused on the stress of possibly failing a test, the brain will actually block out some vital information needed to earn a passing grade so that it can accommodate for those pessimistic thoughts.

In contrast, let’s say that same person studies with a positive frame of mind, self-confidence and a strong will to improve his or her knowledge on the subject. He or she will then do outstanding on the test. Additionally, this theory doesn’t cease with schoolwork; it works in all aspects of our lives.

Normally, it is visually evident who the positive thinkers are in society in contrast to the negative ones. We all have an aura that surrounds us that, in turn, invites other auras of the same kind toward us.

Negative thinkers who constantly complain about their day-to-day struggles – or perhaps even thrive on ranting about them – to colleagues will consequently attract much more unwanted strife than they bargained.

Eventually, colleagues will no longer want to be around these negative thinkers because they reflect too much unwanted negativity. This may lead to a loss of networking that impacts their social circles and, maybe even more importantly, their economic progress. After all, nobody wants to hire a “Debbie-Downer.”

Happiness is a choice so it is up to each of us to make that decision for ourselves. When we project positive thoughts, we attract other positive thinkers toward us, which not only grants us new potential friendships, but an overall sense of gratification and prosperity as well.

Occasionally, tragedies will occur in our lives that we cannot control, but it is how we face life’s toughest ordeals that will truly demonstrate who we are. Sadness is a natural emotion, which essentially keeps us human. That being said, it is also important for us to recognize that life will improve even in the midst of turmoil. If we fixate on the adversity at hand the dreary pit will continue getting deeper.

When I begin to stress out over something, I take a moment to remind myself that life is great. It isn’t good. It is great. I tell myself I can accomplish this task because I have the faith in myself to make it possible and nothing will stop me from reaching my goal.

Once you fully grasp this idea, it is an incredible realization of what you are capable of achieving. It is vital to our success and overall happiness as human beings. Positive thinking is a magical, untapped resource that we owe to ourselves to delve into.


balancechallengespositivepositive thinkingself-confidencetransform
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