REVIEW: The Walking Dead- Season 5:2

After the group has escaped the cannibalistic Terminus, they stumble upon a helpless reverend who has never fought off walkers before. When Rick asks his famous three questions, we learn that since the apocalypse, Father Gabriel has killed neither walkers nor humans. He believes there is still good in the world and Jesus will still punish sinners. Here is what we know about Father Gabriel so far:

•He’s been in the church this whole time, roughly a year and a half.

•He hasn’t interacted with walkers whatsoever.

•There are children’s drawings all over the place.

•Carl found some interesting clues on the exterior wall on the back of the church

•There was a can food drive, and instead of taking the food to the food bank, he has been living off of that the entire time.

•There is wine at the church, ergo, time for a celebration.

The one thing that is really foreboding is the writing above the archway in the church. It reads, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood will have eternal life,” (John 6:56). This is a very interesting quote given the fact that the group just escaped a horde of cannibals and is now having a party at a church, drinking wine. Also, the fact that there are flesh-eating zombies roaming the earth.

Speaking of walkers; last week there were fire-walkers, this week there are water-walkers…soggy walkers to be more exact. The special effects on these were phenomenal. These walkers looked like the meat would just slip off the bone, and some of it did. The church lady, from Father Gabriel’s photo, was a very good use of costume but easily recognizable. It makes the audience wonder who she was before she died.

This episode has a bunch of religious themes, including forgiveness. Rick finally accepted what Carol did at the Prison and Carol finally forgave Rick for banishing her from the Prison. Tara confronted Maggie about siding with the Governor, and Tyrese made it very clear that everyone should forgive Carol for what she did at the Prison, but not mentioning the little girls at all.

The group mentality is growing stronger and they are finally back to the point where they all believe in Rick again. As Abraham questioned Glenn about what his plans would be in the future, Glenn simply stated, “One way or another we’re doing what Rick does.” The rest of the group filed in to the church behind Glenn, each saying “What he said.” The group does come to a conclusion on this, but you need to watch to find out.

Lastly, we finally see the mysterious car that took Beth. It looks like Team Carol and Daryl are en route to follow up on this. Thank God!


courtesy of
The Walking DeadTWDzombies
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