Grounds Department helps animals on campus

A couple of weeks ago I was walking between the buildings, and I saw some brown thing fly into the window and crash on the concrete floor.


Of course, being as curious as I am, I went over to inspect the brown thing. The closer I got the more I could see this itty-bitty fluff ball. The fluff ball was a female cardinal (I think) and had its eyes closed. I thought she was dead, so naturally I poked her.


She tried to move, but she was too injured. I offered her a sweet potato chip and stroked her head in hopes she would eat it and gain sustenance while I ran to the Student Life office to ask for help.

by Samantha Oser


Student Life told me to call the campus police because they had no way of helping me. I called the police and the dispatcher told me there was nothing they could and there was no one to contact. They also told me I shouldn’t touch the bird…it was too late. Of course I touched the bird! When will I get to touch a bird ever again and feel like a Disney princess? Never. That was my chance, and I took it. Chilling out with her on the concrete was epic, but I still felt so awful when she eventually limped away from me.


I took a picture of her and ranted on Facebook. Thanks to social media, I learned about Sally Andersen and the grounds department. While Andersen works with the wildlife periodically, she is the person who works with Armand Bayou and the Environmental Institute of Houston to help our animals on campus.


Recently, Andersen found a momma bobcat making a home in the Arbor building’s basement with her babies.

Environmental Institute of Houston let the Grounds Department use their cameras


If you ever need the grounds department to help you out with an animal, call 281-283-2268.

animalsArmand Bayoubobcatcampus policecardinalEnvironmental Institute of Houstongrounds departmentgroundskeeperStudent LifeUHCLwildlife
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