Temptations are enhancing

These past three weeks have been very tempting. My diet has not been perfected, but it has definitely sharpened. I have not stepped foot on a scale since I was stricken by the 165 I saw on the digital screen. I’m afraid stepping on a scale might discourage me so I’m giving myself more time before I weigh in. I can see a minor difference with my figure and that is motivating me to stay on track.

Since I don’t have much time in the morning, I’ve stuck to organic cereals or oatmeal for breakfast with a fruit to go. I’ve continued to prep my lunches for the week, sticking to baked chicken, frozen mixed vegetables, and brown rice. It’s quick and easy.

In order to adapt to my new diet I’ve relied heavily on snacks to curb my appetite. I’m trying to keep it as simple and cheap as possible. I walk through the grocery store looking for sale items, researching the health benefits of those vegetables and fruits, chopping them up and then incorporating them into my diet.

I’m starting to get creative when it comes to my dinner options since I have more time during the evening. Burgers, fries, and smoothies are my favorite fast food meal and I refused to let it go so I had to compromise.

Turkey burgers with baked fries and a side of ketchup. Photo by The Signal blogger Bianca Salinas.

1. Use ground turkey instead of ground beef.

If possible, grill your patty but a pan will do just fine.

2. Use whole wheat bread instead of white bread.

Beware of misleading food labels.

3. Bake fries rather than frying them.

Be sure to follow serving sizes.

4. Keep condiments to a minimum.

I’m a total ketchup freak so I could not give it up completely. Baby steps.

I’ve been eating burgers practically all my life and let me tell you, I taste no difference when I have a turkey burger. Be sure to top it off with a hefty amount of lettuce, kale or spinach.

I absolutely love smoothies. They help curb my appetite and are filled with vegetables and fruits. I have a Nutri Ninja blender and it’s so much faster than a typical household blender. I’ve just been experimenting with different combinations of fruits and green vegetables such as spinach and kale. So far my favorite is a combination of spinach, bananas, and mangos.

  • One sliced banana
  • One peeled mango or two peaches without the core
  • 1 ½ – 2 cups of raw spinach or kale
  • One cup of either fat-free yogurt, skim milk, or my personal favorite Almond Breeze Almond Milk

If you believe the smoothie is too thick, go ahead and add some ice. If you think the spinach or kale is overwhelming feel free to add more fruits.

Spaghetti with ground turkey is also a quick, easy, and delicious dinner.

Whole grain spaghetti pasta with organic tomato sauce and spring mix salad. Photo by The Signal blogger Bianca Salinas.

1.Use ground turkey instead of ground beef.

I went ahead and cooked a pound of ground turkey and then stored it for future use.

2.Use whole grain noodles or gluten free noodles.

I take the time to boil the noodles each night, because I prefer them fresh.

3.Use canned crushed tomatoes or an organic pasta sauce.

I was so tempted to douse my noodles with tomato sauce, but I had to control myself. I just made sure my dinner was evenly coated.

4.It’s also a great idea to prepare a hefty salad for the side dish.

If you refuse to eat vegetables raw, go ahead and get creative with a fruit and veggie smoothie.

I’ve been on temporary health kicks over the years, but nothing has stuck. I insisted life was too short to eat “bad” food and continued eating whatever tasted good. I began to realize each time I crossed my legs or sat on the bathroom counter to do my makeup, my legs began to go numb. I kept brushing it off but once I was told that my excessive weight was the problem I knew I needed to change. I don’t want to be an elderly woman with tons of health issues due to bad eating habits. It’s just not worth it to me.

I purchased a Nike+ FuelBand to motivate me to get active and it’s a great tool for me. You set your own goals and it feels so wonderful meeting them. I’ve been running, dancing and even boxing to get my heart rate up and I love how it becomes a little easier each time. I noticed the prices on the bands have dropped from $150, to $100 and now to $79 so you can either hold it out a little longer or purchase it as soon as you can.

I may not be there yet, but I am a step closer than I was yesterday.

healthy eatingmeal prepthe freshman 25
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  • Leena Vuor

    Keep up the good work Bianca!
    I am on a gym/healt kick too. Well I did have two cookies last night. Baby steps right?