I love myself

It has been difficult trying to maintain school, work, and a social life while trying to improve myself. How do people love to work out? I ask myself this every time I work out, which only makes it harder on myself. I have not been keeping up with my meal prep, but I have been working out daily. There is a track down the street from my house so I go for a jog when I have the chance. Jogging on this particular track is beneficial, because I will jog a mile and have no other choice but to jog another since I have to get back to my car.

Instead of signing up for boxing classes, my father signed me up for a membership at 24 Hour Fitness. I am particularly excited about this because my best friend also has a membership. She wants to work on gaining weight and I want to lose weight so we just look at one another and get motivated. I have worked on my arms like twice in my entire life and I swear to you all I was almost dead after I finished my arm workout. I could not feel my arms for days.

When I first decided to share my experience with weight loss, I was doing it for all the wrong reasons. I wanted to look good for others and not myself. I see other young ladies on campus that are thin and in near-perfect shape. My better half has never thought I should lose weight. He tells me I look beautiful just the way I am. Being clouded by insecurities, I would brush off his comments and never took his words into consideration.

It took some time to realize it but I am not built like those other young ladies. I am five feet tall and have many curves. According to the body mass index chart, I am considered obese, but maybe I just have more to love. There is always room for self-improvement but I love my thick thighs and legs. I really just want a flat stomach and narrowing it down to just one area to improve has motivated me to work harder, because now it does not seem like I have so much weight to lose. Looking down at that scale just made me doubt myself, but I am changing my perspective. The only opinion that matters is mine and I do not want to get rid of my curves. I want to work on sculpting them. My body is my temple and I do not have any complaints.

the freshman 25
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