Living life with depression

I was officially diagnosed with depression when I was in seventh grade, so talking about it has become a very normal thing in my life. In fact, it’s a normal thing for everyone to deal with at some point in their lives, temporarily or permanently, even though most people feel like they are living with it alone.

The Signal reporter Rebeccah Zuazua.

After finding out about my depression, I initially felt weird telling people about it, especially since I was so young. In my case, it is genetic, but it comes in many forms. I wasn’t necessarily feeling sad, but I did feel anxious, had a hard time concentrating, and was very irritable. After complaining to my mom about it for a few weeks, she took me to a psychiatrist and a therapist. Ten years later, I’m in a great place because of the help that I received, but everyday life can still be a struggle. I am still in college after all.

For my depression, we chose to solve the problem with medication. There is a lot of negativity surrounding medicating for depression. I have seen a lot of blog posts that talk about how medication in general is “poison” for your body, but my medication has helped me remain healthy.

Unfortunately, medication won’t solve all of your problems with depression or anxiety. You have to put some work into it as well. My best advice would be to find a hobby and throw yourself into it when you can. I have found that working on crafty projects, like painting and sewing, has helped me take my mind off all of the negative thoughts and anxieties. Everyone is different and may have other ways of coping. There are even services on campus to help you. The Counseling Office, located in SSCB 3103, has certified counselors available to help you. This is part of your student services fees included in your tuition bill, so get good use out of it.

The most important fact to remember is that you are absolutely not alone. Feel free to share your story, and if not with me, then someone close to you.


counseling servicesdepression
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