Upcoming Student Org Workshops – Recruiting, Motivating, and Mentoring

Student Organization Leadership Development (S.O.L.D.)

Are you looking for new members? Need tips on motivating and mentoring?


Join Our Organization: Effectively Recruiting New Members

Tues, Feb. 2, 1:00p-2:00p | SSCB Student Orgs Room 1.202.07
Note: Many of the workshops have concluded earlier than the scheduled end time.

Summary: This workshop is designed to help officers develop a recruiting strategy to build their organization’s membership and involvement. The workshop will offer information on where and how to recruit, evaluating what your organization has to offer new members, and other useful tips to effectively recruit new members.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will be given the proper knowledge to know how to enthusiastically and effectively recruit new members for their organization and know, through assessment, how successful the recruitment effort has been.


Motivating and Mentoring New Members and Officers

Tues, Feb. 2, 2:00p-3:00p | SSCB Student Orgs Room 1.202.07

Note: Many of the workshops have concluded earlier than the scheduled end time.

Summary: This workshop is designed to help attendees identify what motivates students to get involved and stay involved with organizations. The workshop will offer information and tips on how to identify members’ strengths and interests so organization leaders can plan activities and programs that will satisfy membership needs while contributing to the organization’s overall success.

Learning Outcomes: Attendees will obtain the knowledge to identify different effective motivators for their organization’s membership and be able to use the knowledge to strengthen organization membership and extend the group’s active status on campus.


Pre-register for ALL 2015-2016 workshops at:  www.uhcl.edu/studentorganizations/SOLD

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