Zac Efron, I want your abs!

I have not done my homework this week because I realized how self-conscious I am about how I look.

Yes, guys do have body image issues too. The issue of male body image isn’t covered enough and I think it should be.

Body image is always a touchy subject, but when most of us think about body image we usually relate it to women. We never stop to ask ourselves if men struggle with this issue as well.

UHCL hunk Eric Efron. Graphic created by The Signal blogger Eric Yanez.

I personally struggled with self-confidence and body image issues in the past and still do today. I want rock-hard abs and a fit figure like most male celebrities. When you see all the glamorous actors on TV, you compare yourself to them. It makes you think girls want a guy as hot as them. As a guy, I believe we strive to look our best to impress people, but when compared to actors such as Zac Efron, our self-esteem reaches a low point. This is equally the same as girls being compared to Victoria’s Secret models.

My family always compared me to my dad since he’s on the bigger side, and it wasn’t easy for me. I was always told that I would end up “fat” like him. Of course, this got to me and I tried doing everything to not gain weight so I could prove them wrong.

When someone asks you, “Did you gain some weight?” no matter who you are, it gets to you. Obviously, it’s rude to even consider asking someone that, but it dramatically lowers his or her self-esteem. Recently, I was asked this questions and it bothered me a lot because I’ve been working out and eating right. For someone to ask me that kind of made it seem like all the work I’ve been putting in is not even paying off.

We all have body issues, but we have to work with what we have and learn to love ourselves. That pesky homework better learn to love me too because it’s going to be a bumpy ride this semester.

Side note: Does anyone else check themselves out in the glass windows in the SSCB building? I can’t be the only one that does it.

How The Media Makes Men Hate Their Bodies Too



body imagehealth and fitnessself-confidenceZac Efron
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