CROSSWORD ANSWERS: How well do you know Clinton and Trump?

Crossword puzzle answers. Graphic created by The Signal reporter Alexis Davlin.




  1. Trump has five kids.
  2. The Presidential Election is in November.
  3. Trump has never smoked cigarettes, drank alcohol or done drugs.
  4. Clinton has one kid.
  5. On the Apprentice Trump likes to tell people,“You’re fired.”
  6. Trump was married to Ivana Zelnickova in 1977.
  7. Trump wants to build a giant wall.
  8. Clinton deleted nearly 32,000 emails.
  9. Trump was born in Queens.
  10. Clinton was born in Chicago Illinois.



  1. Trump does not have a toupee.
  2. The donkey represents the Democratic Party.
  3. Trump has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  4. Clinton was the third female secretary of state in the U.S. history.
  5. Clinton was elected in 2000 as the first lady senator from the state of New York.
  6. Clinton stated, “What difference at this point does it make?” referring to the Benghazi attacks.
  7. The elephant represents the Republican Party.
  8. Trump hosted his own debate.
  9. Clinton put hot sauce on everything.
  10. Trump is a republican.
  11. Trump’s skyscraper is known as Trump Tower.
  12. Clinton is a democrat.
  13. If Clinton wins, she will be the first female president.
  14. Clinton is married to Bill Clinton.
  15. Clinton won a grammy in 1997.

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Learn more about Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton from her official website here! 

Learn more about Presidential Candidate Donald Trump from his official website!

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