It’s time for Hanukkah

Hanukkah comes around every year around Christmas time. This is a very important holiday for the Jewish community.

Hanukkah is usually the second week of December, but this year it falls on Christmas Eve through New Years Day. The purpose of Hanukkah is to celebrate the reconsecration of the Jewish temple and the Maccabee’s victory over the Greeks and Syrians during 165 BCE. During this time the Greeks forced the Jews to eat food that was not Kosher and restricted circumcision, which in the Jewish lifestyle is very important.

Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days and nights. The Jewish people gather together in homes and light their menorah’s candles. Each night they light a new candle to represent the victory over the Syrians and Greeks.

What people should know about Hanukkah is that it is NOT Jewish Christmas. There are many non-Jews that do not clearly understand Hanukkah for what it is and think we have eight days of Christmas. As opposed to Christians, the Jewish people believe that Jesus is a prophet, and not the Son of God. Therefore, the Jews do not concern themselves with the birth of Christ. It is not like the Jewish people set up to commercialize Hanukkah and wait all year for their one special holiday.

Jewish people are different when it comes to celebrating Hanukkah. They are quiet and private about their Hanukkah celebrations. They have one big Hanukkah service at the Temple and then the rest of the nights are celebrated with family and friends.

The Jewish people do give gifts during Hanukkah, but they are not flat screen TVs or cars, but there are some Jews that do go all out during Hanukkah. Many of the gifts that are received during Hanukkah are small things, like a book or some jewelry.

This year, the first night of Hanukkah falls on Christmas Eve. On Dec. 23rd, my Temple will have its annual Hanukkah Family Shabbat service, where all the Jews across the southern United States get together and celebrate the coming of Hanukkah. Those who celebrate Hanukkah eat a lot during the nighttime, so if you were planning to go on a diet, Hanukkah would not be a good time to do that. This year. Hanukkah is from Dec.24 until Jan. 1.


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