Stressed about finals? Check out Spotify’s Top 10 Concentration Playlists!

You are going through one of the most stressful weeks of the semester and just so you know: you are not alone.


Finals week is every college student’s least favorite week of the year. Even after months of hard work, the difference between passing or failing a class can depend on a single, heavily weighted assignment — the final.

To help you get through countless hours of studying, we have put together a list of Spotify’s Top 10 Concentration Playlists (see below):

  1. Intense Study Playlist (by Spotify, 268 songs)
  2. Acoustic Concentration (by Spotify, 41 songs)
  3. Workday – Lounge (by Spotify, 108 songs)
  4. Your Favorite Coffeehouse (by Spotify, 94 songs)
  5. Deep Focus (by Spotify, 147 songs)
  6. Chill.Out.Brain (by Spotify, 120 songs)
  7. Mellow Beats (by Spotify, 72 songs)
  8. Superior Study Playlist (by Taylordiem1025, 861 songs)
  9. Study Mix (No Lyrics) (by Morgan Staub, 92 songs)
  10. EDM Study – No Lyrics (by Coffierf, 53 songs)

You may think you know what to do to reduce the stress caused by finals, but the truth is: no one does.

So, before you go, check out these Tips for Managing Stress by WebMD. 

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