Your Voice, Your Community, Your Signal

After being the managing editor of The Signal for nearly two-and-a-half years, I now step into the role of editor-in-chief. Although for months I’ve known the transition would happen, no amount of preparation could have settled my nerves.

Sure, I have been involved in the realm of journalism for coming up on eight years, having first served as a reporter and eventually co-editor of The Speaker, Sam Rayburn High School’s newspaper (Go Texans!). However, that experience plus the skills I built upon while on staff at the San Jacinto Times and The Signal provided only so much initial self-confidence.

With that said, my goal with this blog series is to let you, the reader, join me in this new chapter. Beyond the Byline with Brandon will feature my personal opinions and experiences both inside and outside the newsroom.

Most notably, I want this series to provide a look behind the production of The Signal. What goes into the decision-making process? How can we, as your student-run newspaper, become your go-to source for campus news and more?

This October will mark 40 years of consecutive reporting by The Signal (previously known as The UHCLidian). The ability to be a part of that milestone is amazing and brings about a sense of clarity as to how I want to move forward in my new position.

The Signal is more than a news source. It’s a platform to voice your views, to educate and inform others, and to engage with those both within and beyond the UHCL community. Thus, as the nerves start to settle and confidence creeps in, I can fully recognize the power of a free press.

Going forward, with my fellow Signal team members, our mission is to provide content that is relevant, informative, thought-provoking, entertaining and everything in between. The fact that we recently had an hour-long planning meeting turn into four hours of brainstorming signals, to me at least, that we are a team fully invested in continuing to build upon the foundation poured by previous editors and staff members.

Whether you’re a long-time reader or just now realizing that UHCL even has a newspaper, we hope you continue to come back. Together, let’s make this new chapter in The Signal’s history a step beyond the byline.

Your Voice. Your Community. Your Signal.

Also published on Medium.

journalismSam Rayburn High SchoolSan Jacinto TimesThe SignalThe Speaker
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