Let us be human and end border separation

In the Pulitzer Prize-winning musical, “Hamilton,” Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote, “What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.” Rarely are there moments in time where people can pinpoint what they will be remembered for — what their legacy will be. America is currently in that moment, and at this rate, she will not be remembered for her humanity.

Since the middle of April, more than 2,700 families who have come to the U.S. seeking asylum have been separated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. These families are trying to follow legal practices by crossing the border in hopes of protection. Once in ICE custody, children are taken from their parents and sent to a short-term foster home, while the parents are kept in ICE custody.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) accepts any child that is accompanied by an adult. They are not in charge of the initial detention of the child. ORR is currently in charge of reuniting children with their families.

On June 26, U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw ordered families to be reunited within 30 days and children under five to be reunited in 14 days.

What is happening in the United States today is similar to the internment camps of the 1940s. These camps held Japanese-Americans who were relocated from their homes and incarcerated. This is one of the country’s worst moments.

From slavery to internment camps, the United States has a long history of racism, and while one might think these issues do not exist in 2018, the current climate is proof it does. Furthermore, the current policy only affects families at the U.S.- Mexico border.

Trump’s administration is playing with these families to foster fear and hate within the nation, but children should not be pawns in a political game. Regardless of one’s beliefs on the immigration policy, children should never pay for the actions of the adults.

While family separation is happening in a number of locations, the main facility in question is the detention center in McAllen, Texas. However, it was announced that a new “tender-age” shelter is planned for Houston. While there is no confirmed open date, the proposed shelter will be at 419 Emancipation Avenue. Sylvester Turner, the mayor of Houston, has openly said he does not support this new facility.

Trump’s policy of separating children from their families is not a Republican-backed issue. Furthermore, this issue is not a Republican vs. Democrat problem, but a humane vs. inhumane one. Elected officials from both sides of the aisle, world leaders and the United Nations condemn the treatment of the children.

While Trump said that he does not regret his zero-tolerance policy, his family does seem to have a difference of opinion. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, donated $50,000 to Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas to help care for the separated children. First Lady Melania Trump released a statement regarding her belief that the country needs to govern with heart and that she does not like to see families torn apart.

Defending the zero-tolerance policy, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said, “I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes. Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves. Consistent and fair application of the law is in itself a good and moral thing, and that protects the weak and protects the lawful.”

If you are persuaded by the administration’s ability to quote the Bible for justification, remember William Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice” line: “the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek.”

On June 20, the president signed an executive order that stops the separation of families at the border. However, this executive order is only good for 20 days, and on July 10, Congress must reach an agreement on how to end the separation of families. If not, families will continue to be separated.

NPR stated that from May 5 to June 9, Trump’s zero-tolerance policy has left 2,342 children separated from their parents. While the executive order aims to keep families together, the administration insists the president is still against those who come to the country illegally.

With so many unknowns, it is difficult to figure on the truth. However, the fact remains the president’s zero-tolerance policy is drastically increasing the number of children who are being separated from their families. This is why action is desperately needed and why Congress needs support from both parties to keep families together.

For those who are praising the president’s most recent executive order, you should not. An arsonist who starts a fire and calls for a fire truck does not earn praise for his actions. It was not a change of heart that made the president walk back his policy, but it was the photos, videos and public outcry that made him change. This was because of the power of perception, not the power of humanity.

Americans can help the separated families. Through donations or volunteering time and resources to organizations that offer legal counsel and services to those who are separated, anyone can make a difference. People can demand change from their elected officials by calling their representatives at (202) 224-3121.

The president’s fear mongering should be publicly condemned and called out for what it is — racism. The families who are being torn apart by the president’s policies are seeking asylum; they are not criminals.

If this is our legacy, let us be ashamed. If we stand idly by, let us be ridiculed. Only when America fights for families, let us be human.

borderchild separationchildrencrisisfamiliespoliciesTrump
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