RESULTS: How do you feel about UHCL being a tobacco-free campus?

Fall Issue 1: Sept. 17 - Sept. 21, 2018

Each week The Signal will pose a question related to one of the current issue’s articles. Answer the question via the Google Form link in our emailed newsletter and see the full results the following week.

The Question of the Week for issue #1 of the fall 2018 semester asks, How do you feel about UHCL being a tobacco-free campus? Learn more about the history of UHCL’s smoking policy by checking out the timeline by The Signal reporter Josh Olson. 

*NOTE: Some responders chose to be anonymous by only stating which group within the UHCL community they belong to.

QUESTION: How do you feel about UHCL being a tobacco-free campus?

68.8 percent said I support it

25 percent said I oppose it

6.3 percent said Indifferent

QUESTION: Why do you support or oppose it?

Support It

Don’t like butts everywhere. Smokers don’t think this littering but it is.
– Staff
It’s important for smokers to be respectful and thoughtful of others around them.
– Safa Elansary, computer information systems major
It makes our campus more like the majority of other educational institutions.
– Faculty
Smoking is a health hazard for everyone.
– Student
I support it because it is conducive to our overall well-being alongside our environment.
– Student
As a lifelong asthmatic, I often had to avoid certain triggers, including cigarette smoke. Coming into the buildings on campus, I would often be forced to breathe in cigarette smoke from those smoking at the cafe or outside the entrances. There was no escape from it. About half of the time, I’d be okay, but the rest of the time, I’d go into full-on asthma attack, which is not fun. I fully welcome this change, which should allow me to attend classes without having to worry as much about being unable to breathe.
– D.T., management information systems major
All public facilities should be tobacco-free – as it is across the nation.
– Staff
I appreciate not walking through a cloud of smoke to enter the buildings and the entrances are less congested due to it also.
– Nicole Baker, biology major
The adverse affects of second-hand smoke are well-documented. I don’t want to inhale any smoke anywhere on campus. This may also encourage smokers to quit.
– Staff
Oppose It
I am not a smoker, but I don’t think putting a ban with tobacco products will make the campus safer nor better.
– Student
The policy has only proven to the student body that the illegitimate policies issued by SGA and Administrators overrule the Texas state law and the opinions of the students.
– Student, Business major
I smoke cigarettes and don’t have a place to smoke on campus anymore.
– Katherine, accounting major
Personal choice.
– Staff
Look, I don’t smoke but if someone wants to them why should we restrict their right to do so. Instead of making them smoke in their car, or whatever it was they were told to do, just designate certain areas in which smoking is allowed. It will keep people from having to breath in the smoke a second time, and foster more of a sense of community by allowing people who share similar hobbies to interact. I don’t that’s just my opinion.
– Kyle, environmental science major

Google Form Response Total: 16 (as of Oct. 1)

68.8 percent identify as students

25 percent identify as staff

1 percent identify as faculty

Also published on Medium.

Question of the WeekTobacco Free CampusUHCL smoking policy
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