RECAP: SGA meeting reveals new renovations

The Sept. 29 SGA Meeting was called to order at 11:35 a.m.

The fund request was $22,500.

The first fund request was submitted by the Cricket Student Association. Rahul Saikumar from the association presented the fund request information. The Cricket Student Association wants to do a chess tournament from Oct. 1 to Oct. 3 depending on participants. They plan to give prizes to the first, second and third place winners.

SGA President Hiba Loya explained how fund requests are accepted and how they have to meet quorum. For the fall semester, there are 83 registered student organizations so 42 orgs need to meet in order to vote. Only representatives from 27 student organizations showed up so the quorum was not met so they had to table the fund request until they meet the quorum. 

Lieutenant Kyle Pirtle from UHCL PD spoke about the fraudulent emails. He mentioned they could appear to be from professors and contain links to YouTube or a number to call.

Pirtle mentioned the easiest scam is money-making they mention a government organization that they say they are a part of. He said not to click or answer calls.

No government entity, police department or affiliates of the university will call and demand money. He showed a flyer that UHCL PD will send out to inform everyone on how to be safe from this.

He wants students to help spread the word. Contact UCT or PD instead of filling out password when prompted if students click on the emails. Don’t fill out anything, UHCL PD cannot get money back.

Never send anyone money who is trying to get you to buy something for them. Change passwords frequently and don’t have the same one for everything. There’s been an uptick in fraud.

He showed a sample of what the emails look like and explained them. Loya mentioned her account was also compromised and showed that an email was sent from what looked to be her account. Pirtle said to forward the emails to He also mentioned UHCL PD is working with the FBI and UCT on some of them to track down leads.

Loya spoke about the Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award. She encouraged students to nominate professors for this award.

She also mentioned that there are available positions for VP Outreach and Communication and also Administration.

VP Committee Coordinator Misty Woods said there were still people needed for committees for the Student Conduct Panel and Piper Award Committee and one person for the Student Fees and Allocation Committee.

She also mentioned the Constitution Ad Hoc committee and how they need more people for that too.

Loya mentioned there are senate vacancies. The Senate is coming up with questions for the next town hall. If interested, email SGA.

Shavonne Fuller, psychologist from Counseling Services, spoke about the services offered for students. They are entirely virtual however they will make accommodations for students. She gave brief summaries for the services and reminded students that they are free for enrolled students, except for psychiatry which has a small fee. She also mentioned the numbers to call when going through a crisis. 

VP of Facilities Management and Construction (FMC) Eric Herrera showed a presentation to keep students up to speed on what FMC has been doing. They have been remodeling and updating things on campus and at the Pearland campus.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:27 p.m.

Click below to see The Signal CAST‘s live-tweet thread of the meeting. Visit SGA’s YouTube channel to view their recordings of past meetings.

counseling servicesEric HerreraHiba Loyamisty woodsSGA
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