RECAP: SGA discusses constitution updates

The Nov. 10 SGA meeting started at 11:31 a.m.

Patrick Cardenas, director of student involvement and leadership, spoke about the constitutional amendments.

Cardenas spoke on the process of SGA updating the constitution. He spoke about last year’s attempt to update the constitution as well as this years.

He mentioned the ad-hoc committee did not work and that SGA will be moving forward with the current constitution. He spoke about membership and how voting works.

He also broke down some of the amendments and mentioned that student representatives and visitors can propose amendments by sending them to SGA and it has to have a vote where ⅔ of the people present at that meeting vote to approve or deny. 

SGA President Hiba Loya presented two propositions she is proposing. The first one was to replace the current GPA requirement for those wishing to be part of the SGA executive council. Loya proposed having the requirement be that students must be in good academic standing with the University of Houston-Clear Lake with the rationale that many people are not eligible to be a part of the council because of the cumulative GPA.

Her second proposition is to remove the second part of the sentence that says students must be a representative of an officially designated organization of a recognized student organization.

Loya and Cardenas further explained how long the propositions will be on the floor. They also mentioned that quorum must be met to vote on fund requests and amending quorum.

Loya also spoke about old business and encouraged students to apply for available SGA positions- VP, director and senator positions

She also reminded students of the upcoming town hall on Nov. 13 at 10 a.m.

Erin Haynes from the Hide & Seek Club presented and spoke about the org. Haynes said club is dedicated to helping students connect and also familiarize themselves with the campus through playing hide and seek.

Haynes announced their first event on Nov. 12 in the Bayou Building from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. where they would play hide and seek with the UHCL police department. Haynes noted that masked were required and there can be only 20 participants.

General announcements began with  Firoj Gurung, coordinator of international student programs at SDEI, saying the Global Expo and Cultural Extravaganza would be combined this year. This event is Nov. 19 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Campus Recreation and Wellness. They will have performances focusing on different cultures. There will be 8 regions represented. Students can register on GetInvolved. Masks are required.

Gurung also mentioned the Patio Cafe will have an International Education Week inspired menu for International Education Week. 

Alina Thomas, peer advisor in the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership, spoke about the Virtual L.E.D.S.- Leadership through Community Engagement on Nov. 16

She also spoke about the Virtual Student Organizations Leaders Roundtable Nov. 20 where student leaders can connect and discuss challenges they’ve had with virtual programming.

Open forum then began.

Jasara Scates, council of organizations senator, mentioned students can reach out to SGA if they want to reach out to their senators 

The meeting ended at 12:20 p.m. 

Click below to see The Signal CAST‘s live-tweet thread of the meeting. Visit SGA’s YouTube channel to view their recordings of past meetings.

Global ExpoHide & Seek clubInternational Education WeekOffice of Student Involvement and LeadershipPatrick CardenasSGAsga constitutionTown hallsVirtual Student Organizations Leaders Roundtable
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