MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT: Weekly Fall 2021 Face-to-Face Class Updates – September 8

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Today I write to provide a weekly update on the current modifications to our face-to-face courses. At this time, we will continue with our ongoing efforts to reduce classroom density (in-class attendance) for face-to-face classes for an additional week through September 17. These modifications will continue on a week-by-week basis. I will provide an update by Wednesday of next week and, if necessary, each succeeding week to inform everyone of any changes to our current plans. UH-Clear Lake leadership and I continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation very closely and are prepared to adapt as necessary. As a reminder, these efforts include the following:

  • For classes that meet once a week, half of the students may be assigned to attend in-class while the other half learn either synchronously or asynchronously. The following week the students will rotate.
  • For classes that meet twice a week, half of the students may be assigned to attend in-class on the first meeting day while the other half learn either synchronously or asynchronously. On the next meeting day, the students will rotate.
  • For classes that meet three times a week, one-third of the students may be assigned to attend in-class on the first meeting day while the other two-thirds learn either synchronously or asynchronously. On the second meeting day, the next one-third of the class may be assigned to attend in-class while the other two-thirds learn either synchronously or asynchronously. On the third meeting day, the remaining one-third of the class may be assigned to attend in-class while the other two-thirds learn either synchronously or asynchronously.
  • Assignment of the students will be at the faculty’s discretion and they will notify students of their in-class schedule before the first day of the new week. This also applies to the small number of classes that meet four days per week.

Thank you for your cooperation, support, and understanding as we work to keep our campus communities and the greater Houston area safe.

Ira K. Blake, Ph.D.


Message retrieved from UHCL email communications

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campus safetyclassroom densityCOVID-19face-to-face courseshealth
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