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Readers Respond

Formally “Letters to the Editor,” “Readers Respond” are letters and contributions from The Signal readers. See the “About” page for our letter policy.


Courtney I really enjoyed reading your article "Patio Cafe Upheaval." Here's something i really enjoy about my experience at Montague's Deli and thats the customer service. The staff there have the best and brightest personalities and…


I sometimes wonder where our tuition money goes. I mean I know they give us the fee statement that shows at least 130 different charges, but where does our money really go?


Hello, My name is John and I recently came across your article about the bill currently proposed in the Texas Legislature concerning Concealed Handgun License holders being able to conceal on campus. I had a few concerns about it. 1).…


The Dec. 6, 2010 editorial, which Mr. Marinos accuses of ‘reflecting opinions and conclusions based on very faulty and erroneous assumptions,’ was not intended to serve as a treatise on American immigration policy since 1924 – the year…

Letter to the Editor: Parking at UHCL

If you’ve ever been cruising around the parking lot of the Bayou Building at about 4 p.m., you can tell that UHCL is a school in crisis. You will see students rolling by slowly in their cars, heads sticking out of rolled down windows,…

Letter to the Editor

In less than one month there have been at least four youth suicides as a result of severe bullying. The deaths of Billy Lucas in Indiana, 13-year-olds Seth Walsh in California and Asher Brown in neighboring Cypress, Texas, and 18-year-old…

Letter to the Editor

The old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is simply NOT true. Over the past few weeks the media has reported the deaths of 4 young men who were beaten to death by the cruel words and deeds of their…

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor: I am writing to call attention to the advertising for Twin Peaks and Big Nasty Bait Co. in the recent issue of The Signal, published September 27, 2010. I recognize that advertising is a driving force behind publishing a…