REVIEW: ‘The Purge’ television series brings popular movie franchise to USA Network

The movie franchise, “The Purge,” recently aired the spin-off TV show. With the help of “The Purge” creator James DeMonaco, a 10-episode mini-season was developed but the audience will take all the gore that it can get.  

The first episode of the new TV show premiered Sept. 4 on the USA Network channel. The new horror series adapts the same theme as all of the three movies. In a 12-hour time span all crime, including murder, is legal. People desperately choose whether to take full advantage of The Purge, take refuge until the deadly night ends or fight for their life. The show follows different characters who decide whether they are partaking in their worst nightmare or greatest fantasy.

Barely any blood has been spilled as of the first episode, but the pilot gives you hints about the storylines of four unrelated characters. It first introduces a brother, Miguel, who is desperately searching for his sister before the annual Purge begins. A hardworking businesswoman, Jane, is featured and seems to be carrying a heavy secret while working on Purge night. A married couple, Rick and Jenna, will be attending their first social event during The Purge but the party is slowly revealing dark aspects.

The show provides endless possibilities of what could happen during the course of one night, including the fates of the characters. If you are in love with the cringe-worthy movies, take a chance on the TV show. The pace of the show is slower than the four films but that could change the further we venture into the series. The first episode is taking its time before jumping into any action scenes. This is accompanied by a dark and sinister vibe, which will have chills crawling up your spine. This mood creates a strange feeling of not being able to trust anyone.

Just like the movie, it keeps you on the edge of your seat with an uneasy feeling of right and wrong. Another adapted technique taken from the movie franchise is how it slowly exposes the story of each character. It makes you guess their dark secrets and future actions.

What makes this gory creation different from the theater films is that it will leave the audience with hanging anticipation until the next episode appears the following week. When watching “The Purge” films, you are left with some closure because the movie has finished. In this weekly TV show, each episode will push an empty feeling of wanting more because, in fact, there is more to come. The audience will have to keep watching to quench their own blood thirst.  

Anything goes during The Purge, which can make the sanest person insane.

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