REVIEW: Taylor Swift releases pop jam of the summer ‘ME!’ featuring Brendon Urie

Taylor Swift has been teasing fans on social media with hints of a new era on the horizon. Images of butterflies, pastels and rainbow-hued glitter have taken over her Instagram grid with all the captions pointing to April 26. The build-up and mysterious messages culminated into the announcement of the lead single, for her yet-to-be-named 7th album, “ME!” featuring Brendon Urie of Panic! At the Disco.

Urie and songwriter Joel Little are credited with co-writing the single with Swift. The upbeat tempo, brass instruments and themes of individualism are similar to Panic! At the Disco’s 2018 single, “High Hopes.”

“ME!” is a fun, upbeat departure from Swift’s 2017 album “Reputation,” which took her in a darker, more aggressive direction to salvage her public image. “ME!” in the title alone is a statement about who Swift says she is.

Unlike “Look What You Made Me Do,” the lead single from “Reputation” which had Swift setting the record straight with the critics, “ME!” allows the listener to impose themselves on the lyrics making the listening experience more relatable. “ME!” has more in common with “Shake It Off,” the lead single from her 2014 release, “1989.” Both singles celebrate individualism, have a marching band style beat and utilize the Millennial whoop.

“Shake It Off” firmly planted Swift as a top name on the pop scene after she crossed over from the country genre. “ME!” is an attempt to recapture the magic that brought “1989” to the top after the disappointing sales of “Reputation.” “ME!” is a breath of fresh air after underperforming past singles such as “Endgame” and a return to form for Swift.

Urie’s vocals blend well with Swift’s and he is heard prominently throughout the narrative. Urie’s verses mirror Swift’s and add dimension to the lyrics that would not have been there if she were alone.  

A title like “Me” gives thoughts of self-absorption and narcissism, however, having the point of view of Urie helps balance the lyrics away from potentially sounding as if it is all about how great she is and reinforces the theme of celebrating individuality.

The bubblegum pop sound and childish “spelling is fun” lyric can come across as cloyingly sweet to the point of giving the listener a cavity. However, in context of a proper album, the overt sugariness of a track like this is counterbalanced by Swift’s more mature, complex songwriting that she is known for.

The song is fun, radio-friendly and will probably be inescapable for the rest of the summer. If “ME!” is not your jam, don’t worry. If any of Swift’s past singles leading up to an album announcement are any indication, this song most likely won’t represent the rest of what Swift has to offer. For every “Shake It Off,” there’s a “Style” waiting to be heard. I’m looking forward to her 7th album and hearing “ME!” in its proper context.

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