EXPLAINER: Recent Amazon Rainforest fire sparks global attention

The Amazon Rainforest caught the attention of the world when news broke that the globe’s largest rainforest was on fire. The Amazon fire start date is still unknown, but by Aug. 20, the fires had burned long enough to cause the smoke to reach the Atlantic coast of Brazil.

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1 Comment
  1. Stephen says

    What an eye-opening article. Wow, that’s truly insightful to learn that this process has been cyclical in nature, and that the fires burning currently are receiving all of this press even though there have been many other years where the fires have been as bad . As our world’s resources dwindle each year, it raises the question of when and how we will all wake up and make some changes to better our planet for the future. The far reaching ramifications remain yet unseen, and we should hope it doesn’t end up being a case of “too little, too late.”


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