Alyssa Curates the Internet: Music, midterms, memes and more

Here are some things across the internet that I found or recently rediscovered that are really freaking cool and interesting.


“Dance like a G.O.A.T.” by Janelle Monae, Nate Wonder and Wonderland Production – This “leaked” song features Tessa Thompson off the set of the untitled “Men in Black” film dancing like she’s “the greatest of all time” remixed with videos of happy baby goats. In addition to fans uploading themselves dancing to this song, it has transcended into meme status with the @tessagoat Twitter account.

“Crush” by Tessa Violet – Similarly to the song above, it just wants to make you dance. This song came out earlier this year, but the replay value is strong with this one.

Metal cover of “Playing with the Big Boys” – This is another song that isn’t exactly recent, but I just found it and it is freaking sweet. “Playing with the Big Boys” is from the stunning Dreamworks movie “The Prince of Eygpt.” Well written villainous songs tend to be metal anyway, and they literally made it so.

Movies and television:

GRAPHIC: This Daredevil promotional image for season three drew speculation that Netflix was going to explore the "Born Again" plot. Graphic courtesy of Netflix.
This Daredevil promotional image for season three drew speculation that Netflix was going to explore the “Born Again” plot. Graphic courtesy of Netflix.

“Daredevil” Season three – This is quite possibly the best season of the show so far. This season brought back the best of Daredevil both from the previous season with longshot fight scenes and the reckoning with his piety as a devout Catholic. Between the second season and “The Defenders,” you may have forgotten how terrifying Wilson Fisk is in terms of strength, cruelty and cunning. Season three reminds us why he is one of the best-written antagonists in television.

“Big Mouth” Season two – While the first season cleverly and crudely reminded us of what puberty is in terms of physical and emotional changes, the latest season turns it up several notches by exploring concepts like toxic masculinity, body acceptance, slut-shaming and what exactly Planned Parenthood does. For those that love “Harry Potter,” our favorite werewolf has transformed into an evil “shame wizard,” so that is a win.

“The Hate U Give” – Adapted from the award-winning novel of the same name, this movie superseded all expectations from readers (me) and non-reader (the person who I went to see it with) alike. “The Hate U Give” is an excellent adaptation of a story that challenges both you and Starr Carter.

Midterm elections:

“How to Vote in Every State”Blessed be the awesome team at Complexy who for the 2nd year in a row made 50 videos on how to vote in literally every freaking state. If you have friends or family in another state, share the video relevant to them as a not so subtle reminder. The laws and procedures can be super complicated and this makes it so simple to cast a ballot.

Straight-ticket voting can cause collateral damage [Opinion] – Democracy ain’t easy and this great opinion written by Andrea White at the Houston Chronicle breaks down why research into candidates is important no matter your affiliation. She doesn’t mention this, but I had this idea that you take a sample ballot and split it between a few friends like a group project and you share your notes. Each person can use non-partisan voter guides to bullet stances and the candidates’ record. Y’all can even go early vote together!

Seven excuses not to vote debunked – Former President Obama argues against the seven most common reasons people say they don’t vote. These non-partisan pieces of advice are full of quotable gold. “You wouldn’t let your grandparents pick your playlist, why would you let them pick your representative who’s gonna determine your future.”

“State Attorneys General: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver”This episode explains exactly how important state attorneys generals are and how that elected position has become so polarizing the last few years. Texas is used as an example, which is not a good thing, but illustrates the point and hits home for us.


These memes come from a variety of places like iFunny, Reddit, Facebook and Twitter. Future blogs will feature videos as well.

More Ya Know:

#DearMoon – Yusaku Maezawa and SpaceX are working to send nine artists across different mediums to the moon in 2023 for one week. Once you watch their video, there is not much more to say other than shrieks of excitement for what is to come.

“Sexplanations Road Tour: Curious Across the Country” – Dr. Lindsey Doe, host and writer for “Sexplanations” announced a four-month tour coming 2019 that will aim to bring sex education to those who don’t have it or reliable access to the internet. It has been coined “road head” because “[their] on the road sharing sexual knowledge from [their] heads with communities plus it’s a sex pun.” If you want to make your tax preparer blush, donate to the cause because they partnered with the Effing Foundation to make donations tax deductible.

Watch the “U.S. stall on climate change for 12 years” – This compilation of clips where elected officials speak on climate change is really eye-opening. Chronologically ordered like this, there is a gradual shift from when climate change was a bipartisan issue to a hyper partisan one. Those (like me) that were still in grade school before 2009 might be shocked to see how many voices against action used to be the voice for change.


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