BLOG: Campus closure bring about pros and cons to remote studying

EDITORS NOTE: 5/2/20 – Post has been updated to include a reflection blog by the author.

April 6, 2020

My first experience with seeing a change in the community was when I went to church the Sunday before spring break. At every mass, there is a moment when all the people who have gathered shake hands praying for peace for one another.

During this Sunday’s mass, everyone who attended was afraid to touch one another. It didn’t bother me much that others have finally decided to care whether the person next to them had washed their hands or not; what bothered me was the look of fear and concern that overcame individuals across from me as I reached out my hand. It made me sad seeing people scared in that manner.

There have been a few instances where I had presumed I might have COVID-19. My whole life I have struggled with allergies, and there have been instances when I have been coughing severely with an itchy throat wondering if it was finally my time to go.

Apparently, if I take my allergy medicine every day, I won’t cough as much. It has also been a struggle to make sure to eat right because of the effects this change is having on my mental wellbeing.

I recently experienced major stomach problems, which was a direct result of what I was eating at the time. With the current crisis going on, I hope people will try to understand not to hoard food and other goods from stores; even those with children are finding it difficult to care for their newborns.

As classes have stated that they will be moved online for the rest of the semester, I am slightly worried, but a bit relieved. I live almost an hour away from school and it can be very stressful driving to and from UHCL almost every day while also driving my brother to his classes.

UHCL closing leaves me with more time on my hands but, sadly, I do most of my projects on the computers at school as I do not have the best computer at home. This leaves me wondering if I will be able to finish the projects I have left for the rest of the semester or if I may be able to revamp my earlier projects for my portfolio.

May 2, 2020

Back when this pandemic first started, it was unsettling for everyone to know that the next person to walk could be carrying the deadly virus that has spread across the globe. 

The worries I had then haven’t changed much. My computer broke down which has made classes much harder, as I do not have a computer for myself. 

I have minimal worries for my family, as they all mostly stay in the house along with a newborn who has yet to walk. I was, and still am worried about receiving a proper education with not being able to attend classes for lectures and also for tests that are up and coming.

I am supposed to do an internship this summer, although there are not many places willing to offer any since COVID-19 has started up. 

As of now, I still do not have a computer since the delivery of the one I had initially ordered was delayed and then canceled. I had to order a different computer but this delivery has also been delayed due to COVID-19.

Although, there are a few good things involving being under stay at home orders. I have time to myself, time to reflect on different aspects of life. When we all have time, it is nice to try and catch up with others and take a little time to show we care for one another. 

It fills me with unease seeing how many people could care less about those around them. There are millions now who have been infected and many people are worried about when this will all be over so they can resume missed activities.

A scary amount of people have decided to turn a blind eye against the many others struggling amid COVID-19 because they can’t wait to indulge in the fallacies of their egocentric lives.

Nurses who have no choice but to work in order to provide for their families will come home wondering if they will be infected will be suffering the next day, while a select group of people is protesting thinking it is unfair that they cannot go to their favorite restaurant or party. 

One of my biggest worries is for the health of some of my younger loved ones. Not only physical health but mental health as well. Though we can only care for so many people at a time, this does not make it right to abandon those in need. It can be hard at times, but most moments that matter aren’t easy. 

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