POETRY: ‘Modern communication’

Contributed by: Ryan Hughes, psychology major


Dedicated to Harold Pinter

How’s the weather, they say and feed.
heads are shaken, as it is agreed:
emotional nakedness, so feared and guarded,
cannot be risked in the world of the knotted.

How are you? is the saying of the day,
saying nothing in a game of play

can it be that this silence is an echo?
Just as silence summons and beckons
that broken record of everything unsaid,
so language employed sinks like a ball of lead
in a field of relation where nothing is said.
but something is said in a game of no words,
because communication is too alarming
in the land of the dead

it is not lack of communication that is the problem,
it is a form of communication alienated and fallen.
We communicate in order not to communicate.
Over a cup of coffee, a game of cards,

a brewski or two.

something is said, from me to you,
but what is said is partially severed
and what is not said can never be remembered.
For in the land of spiritual November
meaningful relation’s are forever dismembered



1 Comment
  1. Chika Nwankwo says

    Very interesting concept of communication. Great imagination!

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