RECAP: SGA meeting unveils new BSA website

The Oct. 6 SGA meeting began at 11:34 a.m.

Fund request balance was $22,500.

SGA President Hiba Loya mentioned quorum and fund requests. She mentioned the requirements to receive funds and what it covers such as events, but not food. She also mentioned that 43 student organizations must be present to meet quorum so that fund request needs can be voted on.

Loya reminded the students of next week’s town hall on Oct. 16 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Senators helped create a list of questions and they were sent to administrators, the second part will be similar to an open forum. Loya also mentioned that the VP of Outreach and Communication and VP of Administration positions are still available.

Jasara Scates, Internal Affairs Director, informed students on activities the committee has been working on and they have gotten vegan options at the hawks coffee house. Also, they are working to continue the Boost app options, better labeling system and working to continue to communicate between students and dining services.

Lisa Jatta, secretary of the Black Student Association, announced the BSA’s new website. She showed the website and went over some things available on their website like blog posts and their calendar. Their website is

Alyssa Shotwell, online editor at The Signal spoke about the Town Hall Impression Survey to gauge people’s thoughts about the town halls. It can be found here.

Firoj Gurung, International Programs Coordinator from SDEI, spoke about Int’l education week. He mentioned that UHCL will be hosting from Nov. 16 to 20. 14 events have been prepared, information about the events can be found on GetInvolved. Some of the events he mentioned will be online while a couple will be in person.

Joshua Quinn, Coordinator of Women, Gender and Sexuality Programs at SDEI, spoke about the Domestic Violence Advocacy Through Multiple Lenses: Panel and Breakout Sessions. It is a partnership between the UHCL Common Reader Programs, Women’s & Gender Studies, WSSA, Counseling Services and SDEI. It is on Oct. 8 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Alina Thomas, Peer Advisor at OSIL, spoke about UHCL Spirit Week that will be happening from Oct. 12-17. A lot of the events will be virtual, however, I Heart UHCL will be in person at Campus Rec and they will be following safety protocols. For more information, students can visit GetInvolved.

Open Forum started by counting the student org representatives present.

The meeting ended at 12:05 p.m.

Click below to see The Signal CAST‘s live-tweet thread of the meeting. Visit SGA’s YouTube channel to view their recordings of past meetings.

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