RECAP: SGA kicks off their first fall 2020 meeting

On Tuesday, August 25, SGA hosted their first meeting of the fall semester on Tuesday, August 25 at 11:30 a.m. 

SGA President Hiba Loya started by encouraging students to follow them on social media to get updates on their upcoming events. Loya also mentioned that SGA can help promote other organizations’ events on SGA’s social media. 

Loya explained it is important to join GetInvolved because that is where the Zoom links will be posted for the following meetings.

Carri Hill, Director of Alumni Engagement, was one of the guest speakers for the meeting. She commended student leaders and mentioned that they were going to be the leaders of the alumni in the future. 

She let students know that the Alumni Association is a resource for alumni and encouraged students to stay in touch with them. Students were also informed about the new location of the Alumni Association office, which is now located on the second floor of the Bayou Building.

Loya announced that applications for the Vice President of Communications and Outreach will be open for the next 30 days and encouraged students to apply. She stated that there are requirements and mentioned that students can check them out on Get Involved as well as the responsibilities and the SGA constitution.

Loya stressed the importance of filling out the 2020 Census and encouraged everyone to fill it out. She also spoke about the upcoming town halls and informed students about the two previous town halls. 

The upcoming town hall dates are September 11, October 16 and November 13 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. She also brought up senate positions that are available in both graduate and undergraduate positions. 

Misty Woods, Vice President Committee Coordinator, talked about committee openings. She let students know if they are interested in joining one of the committees there is a form on Get Involved. She also mentioned that they will continue updating the SGA Constitution and she will be making a special committee for it and if students are interested to email her or SGA.

Rony Prajapati, Vice President of Administration, mentioned available director positions in the SGA committee and their roles and encouraged students to apply.

Misty Woods spoke about the Dining Services’ Boost mobile app. The app is to promote social distancing and allows students to order food from their phones.

Lastly, Stephanie Perez, Managing Editor of Outreach at The Signal, encouraged students to get involved with The Signal. 

The meeting ended with an open forum where a student asked about the archive of the previous town hall that talked about policies and procedures on returning back to campus. Loya and Patrick Cardenas, Director of Student Involvement and Leadership, informed the student that the town hall was conducted by the administration and they would have to ask. 

Due to the weather, students received an alert that campus would close from August 26 at 7:30 a.m. to August 31 at 7:30 a.m.

Click below to listen to The Signal’s audio recording of the meeting and The Signal CAST‘s live tweet thread of the meeting.

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