BLOG: Welcome to my Second Thoughts

The symbol of my zodiac sign, the Sagittarius, is the archer, and I often feel like an archer, but not in the best way. The archer may not always hit their target the first time, and I’ve consistently missed my first shot.

Sometimes it takes a second shot. 

Sometimes it takes two. 

There is beauty in twos.

As an editor, you always need to give a second glance. As a writer, you always need a second look. As a philosopher, there is always second-guessing and constant reflecting upon the world around us.

There is beauty in reflection. After all, a reflection is ultimately a second look, glance or image.

I like to think I’m a good example because I’m the second. From the moment I was named Troylon Griffin II, my parents christened me with forever wondering how the second compares to the first. 

I’ve always been someone who has had to take a step back. I find the things I say and things I do could be better or just aren’t right in many people’s eyes. 

Since 2017, I have written for The Signal, where I have reported the facts and informed the UHCL community about the affairs of this university. 

There is beauty and art to journalism. It is the practice of laying aside biases to cover and tell only the facts about the affairs of the world. While I have provided my opinions and insights on topics, with some award-winning success, my story catalog consists mostly of news and features. 

When you’re a journalist, you are in this position of observing the world and informing others of your observations. Of course, it’s hard to observe the world without forming thoughts on it. 

But even before my entry into journalism, I played the role of the silent observer who watched the world around me spin, the person who sees everything because no one was watching me, all while constantly watching myself. I felt – and still feel – like a camera surrounded by mirrors and mirrors within a camera, with so many reflections. In those reflections are the thoughts that are the accumulation of a 22-year-old overthinking writer, editor, journalist and philosopher. 

For so long I have enjoyed the art of news and journalistic writing because it allowed me to practice my love of writing by simply telling facts instead of running the risk of expressing my thoughts that people might not care about.  As I have written about before, anyone in a writing occupation has to deal with the possibility their voice is not heard and does not matter.

But alas, the time has come for this archer to shoot another shot, and see whether I hit or miss.

Having recently graduated, I find myself now beginning my second round of higher education as I go for my master’s. I begin this new era with four years in higher education behind my belt and all I learned and experienced during that time. 

Everyone talks about the third, but the second time is the real charm as well I suppose. Now is the time for me to tell the world about the many things I have reflected on in my 22 years of living. 

So welcome to my thoughts. Welcome to Second Thoughts, the place where I’ll share the reflections and philosophy of me, Troylon Griffin II.

No Comments
  1. Jason Long says

    nice Job buddy. can’t wait to read more.

  2. Keith says

    Well written 💪🏾. I love writing too. I’ll be riding along with you on your literary wave 💪🏾

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